Tuesday, April 28, 2015


A Hyperchondriac is a person who suffers from a psychological condition where they are constantly worried about having an illness yet there is no medical evidence to show that they are ill. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV-TR classifies this as a somatoform disorder. Causes 
Internet and media The internet and the media contribute greatly to hypochondria. This is because they announce any major outbreaks of diseases. When hypochondriacs get wind of any disease outbreak news, they tend to believe that they are developing symptoms of the disease. They perceive their bodies as having already been infected with the disease or feel that they are about to get the disease. The hypochondriac may get paranoid and visit the doctor. Even after a thorough check up by the doctor, the hypochondriac will still not be convinced that they do not have the disease. 
  • Website Title: - Symptoms
  • Article Title: Hypercondriac
  • Date Accessed: April 28, 2015
  • See more and read the comment below the video to understand more about Hypochondriacs
  • Hypochondriac 


  1. This is really great information Kami! I'd never known that the fear or worry of having an illness could be named, let alone cause the person to feel sick and portray symptoms of the illness they think they have.This is interesting!

  2. Haha, sometimes I feel like I have an illness when I really don't, though I wouldn't say I'm a hypochondriac!
